In Front of and Behind the Line
The line is the border separating the now and over-here from the timeless and over-there. The canvas, representing the line, is a screen which rises and falls; it serves to open up the work or to sever the observer from an illusory world. At times, it is even reality itself. Sometimes it is soft, silky, and transparent; at other times it is coarse, heavy, and opaque. It exists whether as illuminated and substantial or tenebrous and invisible. The "over-here" and the "over-there" remain undefined. They deceive one another, interweaving and coalescing into a new reality. They are severed, either physically or conceptually; and yet, despite the severing, it is difficult to differentiate between them. The line reveals the conflict between the banality of the quotidian, which is expressed through inanimate objects drawn in a realistic manner, and the more soulful and desirous side of life. The desires are represented through fantastic and busy landscapes or by empty and unrealistic backgrounds. The two dimensions of existence: the realistic and the fantastic, the physical and the soulful, are represented by the two sides of the line. They define themselves in relation to each other, affording a new meaning - different to that which would have come about if each had been presented separately. The works are dealing with this relation, with the tension and the harmony existing between these two different worlds, which come into being through the common experience of composition and colour.
Between Light and Form
It is the space between light and form where appearances are born, where the picture is born. It is there that it comes into being and takes on life. The enormity of the space contracts. It becomes no more than a fraction of its former self. Light and form are frozen into a mosaic of colour. Personal. Intimate. Small. The large space is constrained by a border and nothing more changes other than the eyes which take the place of others; eyes which observe the form and the shades of light, as seen from a certain perspective in a fragment of time chosen from within the endless space between light and form.